E ke poʻokumu, nā kākoʻo, nā kumu a me nā haumāna … aloha pumehana iā kākou.
‘O ka lā ʻumikūmākahi kēia o Kepakemapa
He Pōʻakolu kēia.
He lā ʻehiku
(Today is Wednesday, September 11, a Day 7)
Lunch today is: Hamburger Steak
Picture Taking on Friday:
Friday is picture day, so come in your best school uniform with your best smile! We will postpone ʻoi kelakela t-shirt day to the following Monday, Sept. 16th.
The Middle of the 1st Trimester is on Friday
Teachers will be sending home a mid-mester report on any student who is performing below the level of C. If you don’t want to get one of these progress reports, NOW is the time to get caught up on missing assignments and bring up your grade!
MS Band Rehearsal:
After school band rehearsal on today, 9/11, for the 7/8 band is cancelled!
MS Sports Announcements:
- Middle Girls Basketball will begin practice at La’amea Gym starting this Thursday from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Practices will be held every Tuesdays and Thursdays thereafter, until further notice. All mandatory forms must be completed and submitted prior to participation.
- Boys’ Volleyball – practice days are now Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-5:30 at La’amea Gym.
- MS Cross Country has mandatory parent meeting on Thursday, Sept. 12th at 5pm outside the High School gym.
- Girlsʻ Volleyball – Practice 3:30-5:30 today, Wednesday, September 11. Practice will be for the 12 & under team. Game for the 14 & under team at 5:00 at Keaukaha gym. Be there 30 minutes prior to game.
I lā maikaʻi!