Moana, Manu, Makani

How did native plants get to our Hawaiian islands? Our guest speaker, Kumu Lauren, shared with us her ‘ike about native and endemic plants in Hawai’i. These plants took a long time to get here and arrived by one of the 3 Ms or 3 Ws: Moana (waves), Manu (wings) and Makani (wind).

Haumāna made hypotheses about how a few native plants may have traveled to our islands. Then they tested their hypotheses to see if they were correct or not. Next, Kumu Lauren had students plant their own ‘Ohia seeds to grow their very own tree.

Mahalo, Lauren, for sharing your wealth of ‘ike with us! The keiki had a lot of fun!

Haumāna, can you share one important thing that you learned from Kumu Lauren today?

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Oreo Challenge at Home

Papa ʻEkolu haumāna are having fun with their haʻawina.  Luke chose to share with his ʻohana the Oreo challenge that we did at our Morning Meeting.  After viewing his video, 3B  keiki had an awesome discussion on Growth Mindset.  Luke’s ‘ohana taught us big lessons about grit, perseverance, patience, and the importance of support and encouragement from others.  All the important components for having a Growth Mindset.  Watch this video to see for yourself!

Mahalo, Luke and ‘ohana for sharing this special activity with the world!

Luke and ʻOhana take the Challenge from KSH Kula Ha'aha'a on Vimeo.



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Book Tasting

Have you ever tasted a book?  Papa ‘Ekolu Haumāna got a taste of realistic books on their visit to the library this week.  Kumu Kanani’s lesson focused on identifying books in this genre. Students “tasted” different books by skimming and scanning a variety of realistic fiction novels.  Then they rated their books and shared what they liked or didn’t like about the story they reviewed.

E nā haumāna, what did you think about the book tasting?  Did you find a good book to read?  Share your mana’o with us!

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ʻŌiwi Summit

Last week Poʻalima was a day off for our haumāna, but not for e nā kumu! Our campus was alive with lots of learning experiences for everyone- kumu, custodians, office staff and more. Our day was crafted to help each and every one of us develop, deepen, and innovate through a personalized ʻŌiwi Edge learning experience.

Papa ʻEkolu kumu took the opportunity to venture out of our campus boundaries on a huakaʻi to the Hāmākua Coast to learn about ‘āina-based practices that cultivate abundance, regenerate responsibilities, and promote collective health and well-being. HuiMAU members, Noʻeau and Haley, shared with us their goals to re-cultivate a kulāiwi consciousness and a living praxis of aloha ‘āina within the ma kai region of the ahupua‘a of Koholālele, Hāmākua, Hawai‘i.

We were entranced with Noʻeau and Haley as they shared their place-based ancestral knowledge through moʻolelo and mele.  In addition, they shared with us some of the education and restoration work that this Hui does to help regenerate connections and relationships between ‘ōiwi and kulāiwi in this legendary place.  The best part was getting to kōkua our services as we cleaned some of the ʻāina with our very own hands.  We were truly blessed to visit this kulāiwi!  Mahalo Noʻeau and Haley! Mahalo ke ʻAkua!

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Mele Oli “Nā Kini Pua Lei Mamo Hawaiʻi”

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Bus Evacuation Drill

This morning, everyone participated in our annual Bus Evacuation Drill. Students were reminded of what to do in case of an emergency on the bus. We mahalo all of our aunties and uncles who take care of us by bringing us to school, taking us home or taking us on a huakaʻi safely!

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Team Building in 3A

Team building is working together as an ʻohana to accomplish a goal. The haumāna in 3A were tasked with the challenge of creating the longest paper chain and building a standing structure out of marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti noodles!

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National Book Lover’s Day!

August 9th was National Book Lover’s Day! Readers participated in a book sharing and read aloud at our Hale Waihona Puke (library). Listen to them share about their favorite puke and why they like them.

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Recess Expectations: by Papa ‘Ekolu Haumāna

The first weeks of school are all about building pilina and learning expectations. On Wednesday, our 3rd Graders worked together to teach each other the expectations of indoor and outdoor recess play… the pono ‘ole way and the pono way!  Click on the link to watch these skits to see recess through the eyes of our keiki.

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Track & Field Stars

Several haumāna from Papa ‘Ekolu were awarded medals for their achievements in the 2018 Track & Field season.  Ho’omaika’i to our shining stars! We are so proud of all of you!

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New Year!

Welcome to a new school year at Kamehameha Schools Kula Ha’aha’a!   New classmates.  New kumu. New classroom.  We can already tell that it is going to be a fabulous year with such an amazing group of keiki!  Visit our blog for reminders, updates, important information and lots of photos to share what we are doing here in our classrooms and on campus.  Cheers to a new year!

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