1st Day in Boston

I made it to Boston! After flying over 5,000 miles in about 15 1/2 hours, I am finally getting a chance to rest in my comfy hotel room. Though totally fatigued from missing out on one night’s sleep, Miss Everett and I took a tour this afternoon called The Freedom Trail. It was interesting to learn more about the topics we discussed in class: The Revolutionary War, 13 colonies, and events that led up to separation of the colonies from Britain.

Some highlights on the tour included visiting a huge gravesite of many important individuals that took part in signing the Declaration of Independence, like John Hancock and Samuael Adams. We didn’t talk much about them in school, but they were still very important people. In addition, I learned about other key events in our country’s history, like the Boston Massacre and The Boston Tea Party. It was like me going to school again. So interesting and fun!

I hope you all had a fabulous Monday! Until tomorrow… Ta, ta!


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