Important News

Aloha! Here are some important news for Papa ‘Ekolu, 3B.

– I will be away on O’ahu for a conference and meeting from 10/23- 10/26 and will return to school on Monday, October 29th.
– Reading Logs are to be turned in daily this week, however, entries will not be graded until next week.
– Reflection folders will be sent home for parent review and signature on Friday as usual; teacher comments will not be included due to teacher’s absence from school.
– Math Chapter 5 Test is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/24/12.
– The Princess’s Ball that was scheduled in our calendar for October 30th is postponed until further notice.
– Field trip to ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai’i is next week Tuesday from 8:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
– Science final is scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, 10/30/12.

Have a wonderful week!

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