Today Papa ʻEkolu had the privilege of visiting Keauhou, Kaʻū to learn more about our native rainforests and how we can be a part of restoring it to what it once was.
This huakaʻi gave the keiki and kumu a chance to not only immerse all our senses in a rainforest but to gain ʻike on what work has already been done and what still needs to be done to get it fully thriving again.
We mahalo members of the Three Mountain Alliance, including Aunty Lahela, for being our kumu today. Not only were we inspired to continue this important work because of our alakaʻi, but also because of how this native rainforest spoke to us through it’s rain, wind, trees, plants, seeds and birds. With this in mind, we leave you with this ʻōlelo noʻeau…“He aliʻi ka ʻāina; he kauwā ke kanaka.”
“The land is a chief; man is its servant.” ~ Mary Kawena Pukui
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