Day 4 in Boston

The first day of the iPad Summit was a long one. I attended five sessions in all in which presenters shared their work with iPads in the classroom. Many teachers are taking advantage of the iPad because it is a great tool that engages learners and allows them to seek out there curiositities as well as challenge their creativity.

In the afternoon, Miss Everett and I visied Fanueil Hall and Quincy Market again. I was able to eat some delicious Boston Chowder for the second time on this trip. We also took a walk to Little Italy for more cannolies from a second pastry shop that was recommended to us by several Bostonians. Yes, it was yummy!

We ended the night at a cool ice room. It was about 20 degrees and we had to wear these puffy ponchos to keep warm. Well, at least try to keep warm. It was FREEZING in there. But there was an ice sculpture of Olaf, a mermaid and even a swan. Totally awesome place to hangout for a short while.

Itʻs nice to be back in our warm, comfy hotel room. But itʻs almost midnight and I need to get some sleep. Thereʻs another long day ahead tomorrow. Until then… aloha!





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