Daily Archives: August 22, 2014

Our ME Boxes

Papa ‘Ekolu students did an outstanding job creating and sharing their ME Boxes this week. We learned so much from the words, pictures and artifacts that were shared by each individual. Mahalo for doing quality work on this project!

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Happy Aloha Friday!

I can’t believe another week of school has gone by already. Our class has learned a lot about each other through our Morning Meetings and numerous class activities. Next week we will begin our lessons on active literacy using non-fiction … Continue reading

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More Photo Party Pics

Mahalo, Mr. Kamisato, for these pics. You did a wonderful job!

Posted in Grade Level, Photos | 6 Comments

Mahalo, Dara!

We all had a sweet treat to eat yesterday thanks to Dara. As always, Dara was so generous and thoughtful to give us all a goodie-goodie cup. Mahalo, Nagata ʻOhana for thinking of us. We love you!

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