Moving Forward with Technology

Our Hawai’i Campus hosted a Tech Slam last week that offered a variety of sessions to learn more about the use of technology in the classroom. I chose to attend a session on Google forms presented by Marc and Kimble, IT specialists from Honolulu. I was so thrilled to walk away with new skills to enhance my teaching in the classroom.

One of the things I learned to do in Google was to create forms. I was able to make a reading log form and then post it to my class blog for students to access. On Monday, I put aside our student reading folders and required my haumana to log their reading on the blog. We encountered several road blocks that first night, but I was so proud of my students for problem solving their troubles. Some students used their critical thinking skills to get their assignment completed, even though they had trouble with accessing my form. I was able to contact my network of technology friends and the problem was solved by noon the next day.

Using this online tool has helped me to be more efficient in my teaching. With the Google form I created, I am able to instantly access my students’ information on their daily reading. I save time and energy reviewing individual folders because Google gives me a quick summary of my student responses in a spreadsheet. I am so thrilled to have learned how to do this!

Mahalo to all who helped me in this learning process: Marc and Kimball, Kumu Kanani and her friends at the Kapālama campus- Ruby and Nozomi,and Ms. Richardson, too! How blessed I am to have so many people to help me in my time of need! How wonderful it is to continue to be a learner!

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