Important Announcement

There are about 3 weeks left in the 2nd Trimester. I can’t believe how fast time is flying by!

Our end of the trimester celebration will be held at our KS Pool on the afternoon of February 15th. The cost to swim is $500, so you may want to put some of your earnings on reserve so you can participate, if you’re interested. In addition, various games and snacks will be available for a charge as well. There are two more pay days before our big celebration so you will be able to earn up to approximately $400 more. Please budget your money these next few weeks.

Donations Needed: Please send in more donations of individual drinks, individually wrapped snacks and even small items to sell at our Papa ‘Ekolu store. If you have an idea for a special treat to sell on February 15th, please let Ms. Manliguis know.

Mahalo nui loa for your continued support!

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