Holiday Gift Giving Project

Our service learning project kicked off last week with an informational letter that was sent home to our Third Grade ‘ohana. Students have already begun doing extra chores and projects at home to earn money to help our adopted families. Unfortunately the home, occupied by multiple families, burnt down on the Big Island just over a week ago. The nine people that lived in the home consisted of four children and 5 adults.

Today we received letters from two of the keiki that lived in the home telling us that they lost everything (you can click on Letter 1 & 2 below to read them).  Sadly, we cannot replace the memories, photos and personal items of great significance. However, we are determined to help them as much as we can by purchasing basic necessities such as household appliances, clothes, food and even toys for the little ones.

Please continue to support your keiki as they work to earn money for our project. Remember, the deadline to turn the monies in is on December 8th. You may also turn in your money earlier, if you wish to do so.

Mahalo for your help!

Letter 1

Letter 2

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