Monthly Archives: September 2011

Book Fair Information

Our class will make a visit to the Book Fair on Monday morning to preview the selection of books for sale. Each child will receive a free book up to a $10 value during our visit. Parents are welcome to … Continue reading

Posted in Messages | 7 Comments

Wa Ka’awale… We earned it!

Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments

100 Club

Congratulation to the first members of our 100 Club for addition! These keiki passed their addition facts test with 100% correct in 2 minutes. Our goal is to get everyone from 3B in, so common keiki, study your flashcards and … Continue reading

Posted in Math, Photos | 10 Comments

Mid Trimester- September 15th

Wow! Can you believe that one half of the first trimester is gone already? Boy does time fly by when you’re having fun. Thank you all for working so hard and striving to do your very best each and every … Continue reading

Posted in Messages | 46 Comments

Check out Shelfari!

What are we reading in class? Check out the Shelfari Bookshelf on the right side bar of our blog to see what we’re reading during Reader’s Workshop! Don’t forget to place the arrow over the book to get more information … Continue reading

Posted in Language Arts, Messages | 3 Comments

Close to 100

Games are great tools for learning! As we continue our unit on addition and subtraction, the students practice their mental math skills with this game. The object is to use digit cards to form equations that equal as close to … Continue reading

Posted in Math, Photos | 8 Comments

Reminder: Dress Whites on Monday

‘Ekalasia is on Monday so please wear the proper attire for that day. Have a great weekend!

Posted in Messages | 2 Comments

Haweo Luncheon

Congratulation to Kylan Miyazu and Tylee Calicdan for being selected for the Hawaiian Value Award for the month of August! Haweo means glowing; distinguished; honored; placed in a position of glittering honor; demonstrating the KS WEO. To be selected for … Continue reading

Posted in Messages, Photos | 3 Comments

Adding and Subtracting Strategies

Have you noticed how the math homework being sent home is a bit different from traditional math? The last few weeks in math class have been spent on introducing and using different math strategies to add and subtract numbers efficiently. … Continue reading

Posted in Math | 4 Comments