Monthly Archives: August 2011

Important Information re: NoveListK-8

This is in reference to the post titled Students’ Reading Levels. It was brought to my attention that when accessing the database remotely (off campus) you will need a username and password. Your child wrote these words in his/her planner … Continue reading

Posted in Language Arts, Messages | 8 Comments

Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book order flyers will be sent home next week Monday. All orders are due by Thursday, September 1st. Please be sure to send in the exact amount due in the form of check or cash. If sending in checks, … Continue reading

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Students’ Reading Levels

Today I individually shared with the students their suggested reading levels given from NWEA, which is the association that provides us with our MAP testing system. Each students’ reading level is given in the form of a Lexile Range in … Continue reading

Posted in Language Arts, Messages | 8 Comments

1st Day of Swimming

We got to cool off from the heat today by taking a dip in the pool! Mrs. Lee helped us to practice the skills needed to swim with confidence. Blowing bubbles, holding our breath, kicking, floating, gliding, taking breaths while … Continue reading

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Highlights From School

Yay! It has been one whole week of school and we are all still smiling. Routines, rules, procedures. The keiki have been learning the expectations of Papa ‘Ekolu and have also been building their pilina with their teachers and classmates … Continue reading

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Special Glasses

Today in Art with Mrs. Rosehill, the keiki created special glasses to “help them be better observers and to see the world differently”. Sophia was so thoughtful and created a pair of glasses for me! Here we are with our … Continue reading

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Full of Smiles

Today was an awesome 1st day back to school! The keiki brought such broad smiles and were full of energy. I can’t wait to see them all back here bright and early tomorrow morning!

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Back to School!

ALOHA! Welcome back to school!!!! Are we all ready to rock and roll? I’m jazzed and ready to get back into the daily routines at KS. Check back soon for pics from the first two days of school. Ciao for … Continue reading

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