Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Games…Oh My!

Big Idea: Graphs are powerful data displays because they quickly reveal a great deal of information.

Question: Why are these apps or websites popular among kids? Should 4A students use these popular apps or websites in class? why or why not?

Apps or websites: YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Minecraft 

Quest: In teams of 6, research and look for graphs or create graphs of your own to answer these questions. Think about the data shown in the lava graphs provided by Dr. Kimura.

Jobs: 2 Researchers– conducts online or interview research,  2 Bibliography– works with the researchers to collect website information and uses to cite information, 2 Creators– works with the researchers to organize and feature data on a poster paper or on an iPad app.

Week One– Collect, organize, display, analyze

Week Two– Display, analyze, and present



Researchers– Aaron, Makena; Bibliography- Krysjyn, Trinity;

Creators- Braelyn, Sara


Researchers– Alisha, Micah M.; Bibliography- Kaelum, Micah P.;

Creators- Tehya, Ciana


Researchers- Kamailah, Shade; Bibliography- Shawna, Christian;

Creators- Napua, Kaylee


Researchers- Rusty, Jayden; Bibliography- Tyler, Cammie;

Creators- Kircia, Michael