Po’akahi 12/5/22 (D4)
- K-12 KSH WinterWeek (12/5-12/9) Dress up days & participation
- Dress up daily, take a picture & submit daily for a chance to win a GC.
- Dress Day Monday = Snowy Monday – wear white or snow weather clothing
- There will be 2 winners daily; (1) from K-2 and (1) from 3-5
- submit photos using link found in SeeSaw message
- Afterschool practices
- Robotics
- Nā Hoa Mele
Po’alua 12/6/22 (D5)
- Dress Day: Twinkle Tuesday; wear your sparkling, shiny, lighted christmas clothing
- Papa 3A & 3B on huaka’i
- Afterschool practices
- Robotics
- Kani Le’a
Po’akolu 12/7/22 (K2)
- Save First Deposit Day
- Dress Day: Wake UP Wednesday; wear your Christmas PJʻs (shorts or pant sets ok);
- Papa 4A & 4B on huaka’i
- ‘Aha ‘Ōpio Officer meeting during lunch
Po’ahā 12/8/22 (D6)
- Dress Day: Ugly Sweater day; create your unique holiday sweater
- 1A on huaka’i
- 5B on huaka’i
- NLOK practice
Po’alima 12/9/22 (D1)
- Dress Day: Flannel Friday; wear your flannel shirts w/jeans
- 1B on huaka’i
Po’aono 12/10/22
ES Robotics competition on campus