Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Double Shaka……School is pau and summer time is here!!!  What a wonderful year.  What wonderful children.  We have been blessed and touched by you and your keiki this year.  Thank you so much for you love and support.   Have a great summer.  We will see you next year in Papa ‘Ohe. 2012 February 9 762

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2012 February 9 1057Today the ‘Ohe Buddies invited us to their classroom to teach us about malama.  They also sang us a song, read a story to us, did an art project with us, and gave us a picture frame with their class picture in it.  Aunty Kathi plans this every year so that the children can visit the 4 year old classroom that they will be going to the next school year.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Today because of the weather, we postponed our Water Play Day until Wednesday, May 15.  Today the power went out at 9:15 and didn’t come back on for the rest of the day.  When we had to be indoors, we used the natural sunlight and also the two solar lights to help illuminate the classroom.  As part of today’s kuleana, the children worked in the garden and helped wipe and dust the wooden shelves.2012 February 9 10522012 February 9 1045

Friday, May 10, 2013

Spirit Week:  Field Trip Shirt Day

We had beautiful cool weather for our walking field trip today!  All but one child went into the muddy lo’i.  All of the children went into the stream to cool off.  It was an awesome day.  What a perfect last field trip.  We enjoyed the time with your keiki!

2012 February 9 10042012 February 9 1039

Friday, May 3, 2013

We were blessed with perfect Water Play weather today.  The children really enjoyed themselves today. AND, they helped wash art trays, chairs, and other classroom things.2012 February 9 1002  One of our Division-Wide expectations is the Hawaiian value KULEANA.  We show kuleana when we take care of our responsibilities and actively participate in our communities.  Giving children responsibilities promotes independence and positive self esteem.