Thursday, May 2, 2013

Today was our Recycle Day.  The children participated by sorting plastic bottles and aluminum cans and by putting them into the correct containers.  Hopefully, they also learned how important it is to recycle and save our natural resources.  We made $65.00 total.  Thanks to all of you, we raised enough money to cover the cost of Uncle Wayne musical visit.  He will perform on Thursday, May 9.  A very BIG MAHALO! 2012 February 9 931

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The children discovered bugs under our three circular stepping stones.  They worked together to lift them up and search for bugs.  They used their hands, senses, and scientific tools to explore. When children naturally discover nature and living things, we know that they are at the beginning stages of scientific investigation.  When guided, exploration can help children’s lively energies by channeling them away from mischief, and toward more constructive, and ultimately satisfying, pursuits.2012 February 9 924