Monday, March 18, 2013

We have been practicing writing the letters in our first names.  Each child has a small blue booklet of name writing practice sheets.  Each page has the child’s name in yellow text, the child’s name in trace text, and a space followed by a solid line across the bottom of the page.  First, the children trace the yellow text.  Second the children trace the trace text.  Last, the children try to copy the letters of their name in the space.  (It doesn’t need to be written on the solid line.)  We don’t force the children to write their names, but, we do make deliberate attempts to encourage them.  These booklets will go home this week.  You may keep the booklets at home and make additional copies of the sheets for your child to continue practicing at home.  By three years old, a child can usually recognize his/her first name in print.  By four years old, most children can spell their names. By five years old, a child should be able to write his/her first name in correct form (meaning the first letter is uppercase and the rest is lower case).2012 February 9 591