Weather Observations: October 21, 2014

Weather-Oct21-315pmTodayʻs Weather Report:

Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Time: 3:15 p.m.

Temperature: 82º F

Aloha e Ms. Turcot and Second Graders!

Welcome to our page about Hawai`iʻs weather!  We look forward to sharing what the weather is like here on the Island of Hawai`i and learning about what itʻs like to live in an area that has changing seasons.  Iʻm sure we will have many questions about the changing seasons as Hawai`i doesnʻt have changing seasons.

Hawai`i is known as a troipcal climate area, meaning the temperature is usually warm throughout the year and has a lot of precipitation.  Currently, Hawai`i is in hurricane season, which is from beginning of June till the end of November. We recently had two hurricanes near Hawai`i.  Hurricane Iselle in August and just last week Hurricane Ana.  Maybe we can share about that in the future.

Well, we look forward to sharing, comparing and learning about the weather with you.

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