5G: Solar Boat Critiques

The goal of your solar boat is to run 2-meters in 30 seconds. In order to accomplish this, your boat needs to be designed and constructed carefully.  When not designed or constructed carefully, boats will not accomplish the goal.

The fastest way from point to point is in a straight line.  In some cases boats turn around, hit the sides, or move slowly.  Your task is to carefully observe what happens and find ways to correct the problems.  See these examples.

Assignment: Watch the video above. For each boat, answer the following questions on your worksheet. 

1. Solar Boat #1 – Why do you think this boat is turning?  What would you do to correct this problem?

2. Solar Boat #2 – Why do you think this boat kept hitting the sides of the water lane? What would you do to correct this problem?

3. Solar Boat #3 – If this is a solar powered boat, why did it go so slow? What would you do to correct it?

4. Solar Boat #4: What happened at the end of the run?  What would you do to correct it?


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