Mice go to doctor

In the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that Coco and one of the Jellybeans were getting some sort of rash or scabs on their skin.  I wasn’t sure what or how they got it so decided it was time for them to see a veterinarian, a person qualified to treat animals (a doctor for animals).

So I took them to Aloha Veterinary Center in Hilo.  I’ve never been a the veterinary center before, but its just like going to a person doctor.  You sign in for the patient, fill out some information forms, wait for the doctor, see the doctor and get some medicine.

Coco and Jellybean were seen by Dr.Jeffrey Morrison and a vet assistant. They weighed each one, Coco weighing 1.2 ounces and Jellybean weighing 1.0 ounces.  Dr. Jeffrey Morrison asked me a few questions about how old they were and how they might have gotten these scabs.  My only thought was that one of the other mice bit them and may have caused the cuts, then they got infected.  Dr. Morrison said that it was probably the bites.  The other mouse might have had some bacteria (germs) in his mouth when he bit them. So now the bite has grown into an infection.

Dr. Morrison and the vet assistant then proceeded to investigation the scab.  He said it was like a pimple and started to squeeze it.  As the vet assistant held Coco, he slowly squeezed the scab and a little grain-like substance came out.  Dr. Morrison mentioned that it was not serious, if puss had come out that would be worse. So he prescribed some medicine for all four mice.  It will help to get rid of the bacteria.

Thank you for Dr. Morrison, the vet assistant and all the staff at Veterinary Center for taking care of our class mice.  I know that Coco and Jellybean will feel much better in the next few weeks.

If you want to learn more about Aloha Veterinary Center, click here for their website.

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