5G: Solar Boat Reflection HELP!!!

Aloha e 5th Graders,

Iʻve been getting many questions regarding page 4 of the solar boat packet.  So Iʻve put together more information and resources on the blog.  On the top menu bar there is a section called “Solar Boat Resources”.  I have updated the sections on ʻenergy transferʻ and ʻenergy sourcesʻ. Please use it to help you.

Also, click HERE for another great visual resource.  It is an illustration summary of energy. It has cool graphics, information, diagrams that you can interact with.  Check it out to help you with your solar boat packet reflection questions.

Thank you to the ones who emailed me with questions and concerns.  I appreciate you taking the initiative to ask and seek help.  All the best!

Mrs. Chang

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