Be Red Cross Ready!!

As Hurricane Isaac hits the Louisiana area, it reminds me that in Hawai`i we are in hurricane season.  Our hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30.  Seeing the images of the hurricane and the destruction it can bring I ask myself, am I prepared if a hurricane or any other natural disaster were to hit Hawai`i?  I would hope so.

Being that Hawai`i is so isolated from other areas, it is even more important that we be prepared for anything. Most of our supplies such as toilet paper, non-perishable foods, medical supplies and other essentials are either flown in or shipped in. If a disaster were to damage docks and airports, Hawai`i would need to rely on its self to survive.  So the best is to be prepared before hand.

So how do I become prepared for any natural disaster? There are several places you can look for further information.

  • One, the telephone book in the front has some information regarding how to prepare and what to do in case of an emergency in Hawai`i.
  • Two, you can check the link below which will lead you to the American Red Cross Disaster page. Here you can find information about all types of natural disasters and how to prepare for it, what to do during and what to do after the disaster.
  • Third, you can also check the FEMA website online.  They have lots of information.

I hope that you and your family will always be aware that natural disasters can occur at anytime and in any place.  The best way to prepare for them is to actually be prepared.  So take some time to get a kit, make a plan and be informed. This is what we called Being Red Cross Ready!

American Red Cross

Picture Resource from: American Red Cross online
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