Empty Bowls Project

Rarely do teachers get to participate in other teacher’s activities, especially specials classes like P.E., music, Hawaiian culture, science or art.  Last Friday and today, Mrs. Rosehill invited the kula ha`aha`a faculty and staff the opportunity to make clay bowls to donate to the Empty Bowls Project.  We got to see first hand what a wonderful art teacher she is as she thoroughly explained to the teachers how to kneed the clay, make it evenly thick, and how to imprint or design the clay by using a wide variety of tools.  It was rolling up the sleeves and getting dirty with the clay. It was releasing our creative minds and enjoying the company of others.  Mrs. Rosehill was so patient as she toured around the room helping each teacher with techniques, suggestions before making a mistakes and encouragement.

It was my first time ever working with clay and I LOVED it.  This is the only time that I get to get my hands dirty and let the creative brain let loose.  I’m usually the data drive, techno laptop person.  So I found myself struggling as times to be creative again, yet Mrs. Rosehill offered kind words, provided unusual tools (starfish, plants, shells, and other nick knacks).

Mahalo Mrs. Rosehill for providing this opportunity for us to get back to our creative selfs in a fun environment for a great cause.

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