30-Day Challenge

I challenge you!

As the new year starts many people begin the year with resolutions.  This year with the encouragement by a fellow kumu, I think I’ll be skipping my resolutions and go for 30-day challenges.  Here’s the video that she shared with us on Facebook about 30-day challenges. I encourage you to watch it and tell me what you think. Will you try a 30-day challenge? What will it be? 

So for every 30 days I’m going to try something new. For January I’m going to try and work out everyday for about 30 minutes. It doesn’t matter if its walking, running, zumba, yoga, Wii Fit, or biking. I’m going to try some sort of exercise every day of this month. So far I have been great.  January 1 walked 2.5 miles.  Today, January 2 I walked 3.5 miles.

Something else that I’ve always wanted to do, but don’t make the time for is to read professional articles relating to technology or science education.  Every night, I will read one article relating to technology or science education. It is my hope that I’ll expand my knowledge and be able to help my students better in these areas.

I hope that you will join in on the 30-day challenge.

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