Friday, Sept. 4: 4A Kala

Aloha e 4A Students,

Today we discussed the difference between rotate and revolve.

  • Rotate is when an object spins around on a center point. For example, the Earth spins on its axis. An axis is an imaginary line that goes through the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole. The axis is the center point at which the Earth spins around on.
  • Revolve is when an object circles or orbits around another object. For example, the Earth circles around the Sun. The circle in which is makes around the Sun is called an orbit.
  • I demonstrated these two words by using my spinning chair. When I spun around on my swirling chair, I am demonstrating a rotation. Only my body sitting on the chair is rotating around. The chair is not moving. But when I had a student push the chair around the lamp, I then was revolving around the lamp, which was our Sun. Notice that the whole chair moved with me sitting in it.

    We then discussed and drew out why the Earth has seasons. Using my globe to demonstrate a 3-D visual of how the Earth revolves around the moon, we were able to complete the diagram of why Earth has seasons. The Earth has seasons because it is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle. When the Earth revolves around the Sun, certain areas on the Earth is tilted towards the Sun. The area that is towards the Sun get more sunlight and is experiencing the summer season. The areas that are tilted away from the Sun get less light and experience colder weather such as winter.

    We will continue to study and discuss this concept in the upcoming weeks.

  • Surf
  • Vocabulary words: written and drawn explanations
  • Diagram of why Earth has seasons?
  • I hope that you all have a safe and wonderful three-day weekend! See you next week!

    Cheers, Ms. Chang

    Drawing the difference between rotate and revolve.

    Drawing the difference between rotate and revolve.

    Drawing out why Earth has seasons.

    Drawing out why Earth has seasons.

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