Wed. Sept 2: 1B Moore, 1A Forutna

Aloha e First Graders,

Today we prepared for our experiment that we’ll conduct next week Monday in science. The question we are trying to answer is, what happens when we mix a solid and a liquid? In our science notebook, we made our predictions about what we think will happen when we mix a solid (baking soda) and a liquid (vinegar). We also drew a before picture of our experiment, which included the materials we are using and what the cup looks like before we add in the liquid.

So far almost everyone has completed their pre-observations. Those who did not finish will have time during the next class. The rest of you… prepared to conduct your experiment, make observations, and communicate those observations in a writing and a drawing.

I can’t wait to see you all conduct this experiment. It’s going to be so exciting. Thank you to Mrs. Varize for helping in class today.

Cheers, Ms. Chang

Students make pre-observations to prepare for their experiment.

Students make pre-observations to prepare for their experiment.

Students do their pre-observations on an experiment.

Students do their pre-observations on an experiment.

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