My Fall Break

I finally managed to get my fall break pictures downloaded and organized. It was a wonderful Fall Break, probably the best one I’ve had so far. I spent time with my husband in Florida visiting Disney World and Universal Studios. It was a busy schedule for us since we wanted to see everything and didn’t want to miss anything. We spent all day riding, walking, eating and having fun. Each park had its own unique features that I loved. The food was oh so yummy. The weather was perfect, not too hot or cold and not humid. Thank goodness! The people were very friendly and helpful with the exception of one minor detail (see Mrs. Ah Hee’s blog under skyping with mystery state for my story).

Universal Studios was awesome as well! Great roller coasters and rides. By the time we got to the Universal Studios park side, we had had enough rides. We didn’t manage to ride the big coasters. My head was shaken enough. However, my favorite part of the whole trip, was visiting the new Harry Potter theme park area. I couldn’t get enough of that butterbeer drink. Not to worry, nothing with alcohol. Just a great tasting frothy soda drink. The Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride is amazing. The line wasn’t too long when we entered. We maneuvered through scenes from the movie, such as Dumbledore office, corridors with moving pictures, Defense of the Dark Arts classroom, the Gryffindor common room and more. If you aren’t impressed with all the details as you walk through the castle, the the ride will definitely impress you. It’s a combination of visual effects and live animations.

While we were in Florida, we were able to watch two amazing shows. One was with the Blue Man Group and the other a Cirque du Soleil show called La Nouba. During each show were strictly told not to take pictures or videos during the performance. Click on the HERE to see a sneak preview of part of the show La Nouba show called Diabolos. I think these little girls are so talented and dedicated to their craft. Check them out and tell me what you think.

Overall, loved loved loved it! So take a look at a few highlights from my trip.


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