Mon. August 24: 3A Everett

Aloha e 3A Students,

In order to help students reach a higher level at drawing and writing in science, I’ve created a rubric to help the students see what I look for when looking at their Draw and Write assignments. Some components I’m looking for in their drawings and writing are:

  • Does it look similar to what I observed?
  • Did I label the parts?
  • Is it large enough to see?
  • Did I use my senses in my writing?
  • Does my writing connect to my drawing?
  • Did I proofread my work to check that it makes senses?
  • Pictures are worth a thousand words. So what is multimedia like videos and movies worth? All About the Moon video allowed the third graders to visually see concepts such as why the moon changes every night and what it would be like to walk on the moon. The movie had graphics to show how the moon pulls the earth’s tides and how craters were formed. Two experiments were demonstrated that we’ll be trying to do as well. One experiment, the students will create the phases of the moon using a flashlight, foam ball and their bodies. Another experiment shows how craters are formed. We’ll be making our own craters using marbles, rubber balls and lots and lots of flour.

    What’s videos and movies worth? Lots and lots of inquiry questions. The class went deep into discussion about all sorts of things the students saw on the moon. They wanted to know more about the space crafts that took the astronauts to the moon. How did they leave the moon? Did they leave the lunar rover on the moon? Did they find aliens on the moon? How does the orbiter return back to earth? So many questions and it was wonderful to try and answer them.

    Classwork: Look at your KWL questions that you asked the first day of class. Watch the video and see if answers your question. Using your Draw and Write, write and draw your answer if the video explained it. Use the rubric to help you figure out if your work has all the required components. Due at the end of class.

    Cheers, Ms. Chang

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