Friday, August 21: 2B Fullerton, 2A Hall

Aloha e Second Graders!

First, let me welcome back some of our students who have been out sick for a long time. It’s nice to see you all in class. I’m glad that you are better and hope that you continue to stay healthy. I’m saddened to say that there are still many others out and hope that they have a restful weekend and will join us in science as soon as they are feeling healthy.

Today’s main question that we explored and discussed was: What is a life cycle? As a class we had good explanations and examples of what a life cycle is. One student said that it was how a person goes through life. Another explained that it was when the turtle is an egg, then it hatches, it grows up and becomes big. Then it returns to land to lay eggs. All ideas added to our discussion.

So a life cycle is the stages or phases that an organism goes through in its life. The life cycle includes: being born (birth), growing, reproducing (making more living things of the same kind), and dying.

Classwork: In your science notebook complete a Draw and Write.

  • Title: Life Cycle
  • Date: 08/21/09
  • On the lines below write the following sentences: A life cycle is the stages of an animal’s life. Animals are born, grow, and they die.
  • In the drawing area, please draw a person’s life cycle. We focused on four specific stages. Please draw and label the following stages of a person’s life: baby, teenager, adult and elderly. If you want to add child and toddler you may.
  • Draw and Write Worksheet

    I’ll be taking a look at your drawings and writings over the weekend. Look for my comments on your work at our next class.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Happy 50th Statehood!

    Cheers, Ms. Chang

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