Solar Boat Regatta 2011

This past Saturday, May 14, 2011, a group of 5th graders represented our school at the 4th Annual Solar Boat Regatta at Hilo Intermediate School sponsored by HELCO.  Their objective was to get their solar boat to run 2-meters through the water within 15 seconds. This would count as meeting the standards.  If it ran two times under 15 seconds, the boat would be challenged to participate in the exceeds the standard. This meant that the same boat had to travel 2-meters through the water within 30 seconds, but carrying a 3 ounce fishing weight.

Solar boat participants.

Congratulations to Pomai Mendonca and Samantha Rapoza for receiving the judges award for Best Report.  All students were to reflection on their experience with the solar boat project. The report included answering questions about transferring energy from solar to electricity, it asked them to explain some of the challenges they encountered while creating the boat as well as explain what variables are in an experiment and its importance.

Pomai & Kekona accepting awards.

Congratulations to Kekona Arsiga, Vincent Araujo and Zachary Riveira for receiving judges award for Best Use of Recycled Materials. This group ventured out into creating a boat out of a ziplock bag.  With many modifications that day, it still captured the attention of the judges since most of the boats at the regatta were created out of plastic bottles.


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