Science Photo Gallery

Photography has been a passion of mine ever since I got my first camera when I was in elementary school. During family activities and with my friends, Iʻd always be the one taking pictures, capturing the fun. Then Iʻd put them in albums to share with them. That was the old way. Now days everything is digital and easier to share with the internet. I still am the one behind the camera, which I prefer since if youʻre taking the photo youʻre not in the photo. LOL. Instead of photo albums I make iMovies and dvds  of family events and gatherings. However, Iʻve found another way to continue my hobby by including it into my work as a teacher.

There are many exciting and fun activities that happen here at Kula Ha`aha`a.  Many times parents and `ohana are unable to attend or maybe missed these activities.  Seeing all these school activities as great opportunities to enjoy my hobby of photography, Iʻve been trying to capture the fun, learning and excitement for those who are unable to be here. It is my pleasure to share these photos that Iʻve taken in the hopes that parents and `ohana can see what their child is experiencing here at Kula Ha`aha`a.

So Iʻve posted many of the school wide activities onto a photo gallery.  Here are some of the activities that I have pictures of.

  • Christmas Concert 2010
  • Spring Concert 2011
  • Halloween 2010
  • Easter 2011
  • May Day 2011
  • Makahiki 2010
  • 1st Grade Musical: Law of the Splinter Paddle

Click on the link below to browse through photos from this year. I hope you enjoy them.

Mahalo, Miss Chang

Science Photo Gallery

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