Tues. August 18: KB Nihipali

Aloha e KB Kindergartners!

It was a pleasure to have you again in science. It seems like it has been a long time since the last science class. I want to compliment your class on a wonderful entrance to the pod area. It was quiet and with a just right walk. You had a straight and quiet line during oli. Maika`i!

In class today we had to complete finish some things from the last class. We discussed and practiced an earthquake drill. Many of you knew exactly what to do in case of an earthquake. The important things we need to remember for an earthquake drill is to DUCT, COVER, HOLD.

The final drill that we discussed and practiced was a Lockdown Drill. You did wonderful again by quietly and safely moving to the designated spot. I was most impressed with how you sat waiting patiently while we discussed a lockdown drill.

Finally, our class brainstormed and created a web on what knew about germs. Gems will be our first topic for this trimester. Here are some of the ideas the class came up with about germs.

  • Germs make us sick.
  • Germs are green stuff. Stuff not good for us.
  • Wash hands because we can not see them. They are invisible.
  • Some good inquiry questions you asked about germs include:

  • Where do we find them?
  • Where do they come from?
  • How come they are invisible?
  • These questions were just what we needed to get our investigation going for our first topic. We will be exploring all about germs.

    I want to thank Mrs. Harrington for taking pictures of all the students. I have a surprise for you that I’ll be using the pictures. It was a great day in science!

    Cheers, Ms. Chang

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