New Pet: Crayfish

Aloha e Keiki Scientists,

Most of you know that we had a small brown crayfish last year. I took it home over the summer and it returned this year. I cleaned out the 10 gallon tank and put it in there. Put in some nice decorations that look like logs. It’s great hiding places for him or her. I’m not sure.

Then last week I got another crayfish. It’s a little bigger than our first one and red. It seemed to get along in the tank with our old crayfish. They stayed in their own areas and hiding places.

Unfortunately, when I got back to school the next day, the new crayfish had eaten our small one. I was really shocked because I had just fed them before I left. I didn’t think they needed any more food to eat. I guess the bigger red on wasn’t quite satisfied with what I gave them to eat.

I am very sad that the other crayfish is gone. I was really upset at the other new crayfish for not getting along with the old one. I won’t be adding anything else in that tank, since I have a feeling the crayfish will attack anything else we put in there.

Cheers, Ms. Chang

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