Who’s blogging?

Aloha e 4th graders,

When you are done with you VoiceThread Constellation project, I would like you to visit our Kula Ha`aha`a blog. Click here to visit the site.  Find an event that you’d like to read and leave a nice comment about that event.

On the school blog, you’ll see a list of teacher blogs on the left hand side.  Please read and post a comment on one lower grade level teachers blog (K, 1, 2) and one upper grade level teachers blog (3, 4, 5) and two specials blog.   Remember to leave polite and appropriate comments.  Only include your first name, class and KS email address.  Example: Miss Chang, 4B

After you have done all that, return to the Keiki Scientist Blog and please tell me who’s blog you commented on by leaving me a comment.

Happy blogging!

Miss Chang

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