Wed. August 12: KA Coon

Aloha e Kindergartners,

I am so excited to meeting Ms. Coon’s kindergartners today. It will be their first time in science this school year. So being that its the first day of science class, we will be going over some class rules, emergency drills, and a room tour. I think that’s all we’ll have time for. I’ll go over how to properly behave in class by going through the rules: I can be safe. I can be responsible. I can be respectful. After we’ll be talking about how the school will keep you safe during an emergency. We’ll talk and practice a fire drill, an earthquake drill, and a lockdown drill. I’m sure we’ll all do great on our drills. Finally, I’ll give you a room tour. I’ll show you our science library, the word wall, where the off limit areas are, and show you our class pet, Coco the mouse. And sure enough, our science class will be over in no time. However, it won’t be the last. I look forward to seeing Ms. Coon’s kindergartner’s every day 5.

Ms. Chang

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