Free at last!

Free at last! Free at last! Is probably what Caramel was thinking as he adventured out of his cage last week.

I had taken Caramel home in order for him to get better. Coco and Caramel have been fighting the last weeks or so. So he has some ‘rat’ bites on his fur. I didn’t want it to get worse so decided to separate them. I set up another tank for him and put him on my shelf in the garage at home. Then coming home one day to feed him, he didn’t respond or come out of his house. I looked inside the tank, but did not find him. My only assumption is that he jumped out during the day and ran off.

So he’s free at last, but I was very sad. I had grown attached to the little guy. He would take cheese bites from my fingers and often loved to run on the green wheel. I’m sure that he’s enjoying his freedom in my yard and pasture. Probably trying to avoid the hoofs of my cows.

But I’ll be keeping an eye out for him around the yard and house. I hope to see him around. Who knows, maybe he’ll find a nice lady mouse and I”ll have baby Caramels running around. I’ll let you know.

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