Making Slime

Some parents and students have been asking for recipes on how to make slime, glueup, or oobleck. Here is a recipe for slime. I’ll put other recipes for the other substances. You decide which one you can make by what supplies and materials you have available at home. Try not to go out and buy materials. See what you have at home first.

Remember safety first: we do not taste or eat anything in science, we protect our eyes and other senses when need be, parent permission and supervision is always a must.

1 teaspoon (5 ml) liquid starch
1 teaspoon (5 ml) white school glue
food coloring
12-inch (30 cm) square sheet of waxed paper
timer or clock

1. Using the spoon, mix the starch, glue, and a drop of food coloring in the center of the sheet of waxed sheet. Continue to stir the materials unit they form a substance that begins to separate from the waxed paper.
2. Allow the substance to stand on the waxed paper for 3 -4 minutes. Then roll the substance into a ball with your fingers, and knead (massage) it with your hands for about 1-minute.


Resource: Janice VanCleave’s Teaching the Fun of Scince

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