We’ve got a new pet!

Yep, we’ve got a new pet. Thanks to the students of Mrs. Pai’s class who caught this little gal.  I can’t remember if it was in their class or outside their class.  I believe it might be a girl mouse and a very active mouse.   My first graders took some measurements of the “SheMouse” as I’m calling her till we get a name.  Her body is about 1 1/2 inches long and her tail is 2 3/4 inches long.  I’m hoping that I could weigh her, but don’t have a digital scale and she’s very quick on her feet.

Earlier today when I was trying to put in some paper towels on her tank, some food, and the water bottle she jumped up and got out.  She ran for the nearest grass area by Kumu Crabbe’s class and under the water pipe.  She blended in so well with the rocks I almost stepped on her. Then she ran by Kumu Crabbe’s door and hide behind all his boxes and buckets.  I went to get a fish next since I couldn’t grab her.

I thought all was lost since I figured when I went to get the net she ran off into the grass and beyond to freedom.  I looked around for another 5 minutes. Then I saw her little tail. It took me another 10 minutes of running back and forth from Kumu Crabbe’s room to my room and back and forth till I finally caught her again.  Lightening quick she is.

So as I sit and write I have the tank next to my desk to watch and observe her.  She’s tried several times to get out of her tank.  She’ll climb up the water container then use her little paws to grab between the holes on the cover.  This little mouse will travel all the way across to the other side of the tank upside down.  Unfortunately, she’ll fall when reaching the other side because there’s nothing for her to climb down from.  I’ve seen her do this  several times and I’m beginning to wonder how safe this is for her.   She attempting about five times and now has stopped.  She has retreated under the paper towel I have placed.

I video taped our new “SheMouse” as she attempts to get out.  Watch. Observe. Enjoy.



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