Welcome to 3rd Trimester!

The 3rd trimester started a few weeks ago and students are in full swing into their new units.  Below are brief descriptions of what each grade will be exploring during the 3rd trimester.


Changes in Animals – How do animals grow and change? What is a life cycle? What is the life cycle of plants and animals?  How do baby animals look similar or different from their parents?

Energy – How does the sun warm things?

1st Grade

Motion – Why do things move and fall? What are forces?  What is gravity? What makes objects stop?

2nd Grade

Magnets and Force – What can magnets do to other objects?  What makes magnets attract or repel objects?  How do people use magnets in their everyday lives?  What is a force?  What are magnets?

3rd Grade

Forms of Energy – What are three main forms of energy? How does light move and what happens with it hits something?  How does sound travel and move?  How can heat make things change and move?

4th Grade

Work by Simple Machines – What are simple machines? How do simple machines make work easier? What are the 6 main simple machines and how do they work?

5th Grade

Energy and Transfer – What are ways that people use energy? Where does our energy come sources come from on the Island of Hawai`i? How does energy change from one form to another?  How to use solar power to run a boat?

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