Mystery Creature Found

Do you know what this is?

Do you know what this is?

Second grader Sean and his family found this mystery creature in their garden during the holidays.  However, we’re having a hard time trying to figure out what it is. First we thought might be a worm because he found it in the soil and there’s a part of it that has a part like a worms body.  Yet, we’re not sure because that orange/brown part is a hard shell and worms don’t have shells.  So we thought maybe a snail since snail live in or around soil.  Yet the shell shape and style doesn’t look like any snail shell we have seen or research.


Do any of you know what it might be? We’re asking many people from the grounds people on campus since they tend to our plants and garden on our campus, to people on Twitter and Facebook and I even emailed the biology professors at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

Leave me a comment on what you think this might be. We’d love to know more about it.


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