1G: Planting Beans…Again

Our first attempt at growing beans didn’t work.  The students were really sad, but learned quickly that not all experiments work as intended.  We discussed what might have gone wrong.  Here are some of their reasons:

  • Not enough sunshine
  • Seeds were old.
  • The bugs got to them.
  • Too much water

So before the fall break, the first graders got all new bean seeds, new soil and new containers to plant their seeds. We watered them and left them out in the sun for the fall break. Over the fall break, Mrs. Varize watered each plant. She then moved them under the covered lanai for the night and returned them to the sunshine for the day. We want to mahalo Mrs. Varize for her help and for nurturing the plants while we were gone.

Look at what the results were after the just one week.

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