AHA Moment #1

Today’s AHA moment comes from 2010 National Teacher of the Year Sara Brown Wessling.

One of the AHA thoughts is that we must meet our students where they are.  As a teacher I sometimes forget what it is like to be a learner.  To have the fear of trying something new for the first time.  I need to step back and think about how my students are feeling when new content or new activities are at their feet.

Another AHA moment from her speech  is about caring for my students.   I need show my students that I take an interest in their well being beyond the classroom.  At the end of her speech Sara Brown Wessling says,

“At the heart of all of this, is that caring for each individual student. The technology has to be there, the wisdom will emerge but it is only going to emerge when we have the incredible focus on every single student. “

If you’d like to see Sara Brown Wessling’s speech, please click on the link below.

Keynote Sara Brown Wessling

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