Perseids Meteor Shower – TONIGHT

Tonight is the peak of the Perseids Meteor Shower. The meteor shower can be seen in most areas of the Northern Hemisphere. So Hawai`i will have great views….that is if the skies are clear. Find a spot that is clear from any street or building lights, lay back and watch the sky fill up with streaks of luminescent streaks.

I really hope that it is clear at my place in Waiakea Uka. I don’t have too many lights around, just need clear skies. Let me know me know if you watch and what you thought about it. Take a picture of you and your family outside start gazing and I’ll post it up on the blog.

Cheers, Mrs. Chang

Want to learn more about Perseids Meteor Shower, here are some resources below.

NASA Chat: Stay ‘Up All Night’ to watch the Perseids!

MSNBC – Perseid Meteor Shower Light Show Peaks Tonight

International Year of Astronomy 2009

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