Latest guest

Being the science teacher youʻd expect to get gifts of injured animals, unusual bugs or insects, or even baby pigs that need a home. So I wasn’t too shocked when a bunch of 3rd graders brought me a contain that had a little baby bird. Here Miss Chang…what do we do with it?

After taking a careful look at the baby bird, I did notice that it looked injured.  It looks fairly new born as not all the feathered have come in.  Under the feather by the wings is a large blister like bubble.  Not to sure what it is.  I’m hoping that the Humane Society will take this little guy and be able to take care of it till it is ready to be on its own.

Till I can take it to the Humane Society tomorrow afternoon, I’ve given it a simple home in a clear container with a towel and some water.  It’s been keeping itself entertained by listening to its self chirping.  I recorded it chirping and have it replaying.  I guess the bird thinks there is another bird around. It’s been hopping around a little trying to find that mystery bird making all those chirping sounds.

I tried to feed it.  It ate 2 meal worms. Though I’m not sure it was on purpose or because the worms fell into its mouths.  At least is has something in its tummy to hold it over. Since it was in the rain when they found it, I figure it might be cold. Usually new born baby chicks need to be kept warm. So out came my lamp, which was first used to warm up my turtles. After a few minutes under the warm light, it was chirping even more. That’s a good sign.

Finally, I thought maybe I’ll put it outside and see if a mommy bird is looking for its baby. So just like the book, Are you my Mommy?, I think this bird did as well. Check out this video. You can hear the mother bird calling the baby and how the baby is trying to hop towards the mother in the tree.

Baby Bird from Kalei Chang on Vimeo.

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