3: Reflect or Refract?

Whatʻs the difference between light reflecting and refracting? Today the 3rd graders conducted various experiments to figure out the difference. One experiment was trying to reflect the projector light onto their partners small mirror and in turn the partner had to reflect it back to the wall. Itʻs quite difficult with a one by one inch mirror, but they got it.

Another lab demonstrated to them how when light hits different materials it can change direction or speed. As you can see them with their pen in the water, what do you observe? Yes, the pen in the water is fatter. Is it really fatter? Nope it just looks that way. When light hits water is slows down and distorts the way the object looks.

Using a prism the students were able to see how white is is actually made of many colors. Twist and turning their prisms they were able to either make a rainbow by refracting the sunʻs light or make white light by reflecting the sunʻs light by using the prism.

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