Who sees the Wind?

Weather Station

Who Sees the Wind?

Do the trees see the wind as it makes them sway?
Do the leaves see the wind as it blows them away?
Do clouds see the wind as it pushes them along?
Do chimes see the wind as it plays their song?
Do kites see the wind as they dance in the sky?
Does anyone see the wind pass by?
Resource: Circle-Time Poetry Science, by Jodi Simpson, Scholastic, Inc.

To answer this question, the forth graders will have to be very observant and use weather equipment. In their training as a meteorologist, students are learning about the factors of weather and how to collect weather data. This week the they started collecting weather data using our simple weather station. Each class will have one student collecting data in the morning and another student collecting data in the afternoon.  We’ll use the results in future lessons, such graphing, predicting, sharing the weather with others.

As you can see, it includes a weather vane (colorful kite looking equipment) to help determine the direction in which the wind is blowing.  The weather station (on the right) collects information such as the temperature of the air, how much rain fall, and the speed of the wind.  Besides this information, students will be observing the sky to identify cloud cover and other weather phenomenons such as thunder or lightening.

Feel free to stop by our weather station to see how it works.

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