Were you prepared?

Photo Credit: Taken from Hawaii Tribune Herald Online

Photo Credit: Taken from Hawaii Tribune Herald Online

The State of Hawaii was very lucky to have had a very subdued tsunami on Saturday, February 27, 2010. It only reminds us that emergencies can occur at anytime and that we must be prepared. How many of you were prepared for this one?

Leave me a comment on what you and your family did to prepare for this tsunami emergency. Did your family have an emergency kit already with enough food, water and other supplies? Or did your family have to rush down to the stores to get water, gas, toilet paper and food?

Photo Credit: Taken from Hawaii Tribune Herald Online

Photo Credit: Taken from Hawaii Tribune Herald Online

I’m sure that many of you were excited to maybe have the opportunity to see a tsunami. So where were you when the first wave hit around 11:10 am? Did you go watch it from the Wailuku River or up on the high roads of Kukuau? Or better yet, at home on tv? Leave me a comment about how you watched the tsunami.

Photo Credit: Taken from Hawaii Tribune Herald Online

Photo Credit: Taken from Hawaii Tribune Herald Online

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