October 21: KA Coon

Aloha e Kindergartners,

We’re starting a new topic…..Our 5 Senses! Yes, we’ll be learning how scientist use all 5 senses to make observations of the world around them. You too will be using them to conduct experiments and make observations.

To get us started we took a pre-assessment worksheet. I wanted to see if could recognize our 5 senses. Then we read a nice book by Aliki about our five senses.

For the rest of the trimester we’ll be learning about our 5 senses by conducting experiments, learning a songs and reading books about our senses. I can’t wait to do those fun experiments.

Till our next class, have a wonderful day.

Cheers, Ms. Chang

Classwork: Pre-Assessment worksheet – can you label the 5 senses on the picture?

My Five Senses by Aliki

My Five Senses by Aliki

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