October 14: 2A and 2B

Aloha e Second Graders,

We’re moving on to our next topic, habitats. First I’d like to know what you already know about habitats. So you’ll be doing a K-W-L on habitats. Complete the K, what I know about habitats. You can either draw or write something. Also complete the W, what do you want to learn or know about habitats. Do not complete the L, what I learned about habitats.

Mahalo to TeacherTube and the makers of this Habitat Hop short video. These short video clips introduce what is a habitat and what it provides or animals. We also looked at one of the episodes on deserts. The students loved it and enjoyed the funny characters.

Click on the link below to also watch the videos.

Cheers, Ms. Chang

How do remember dessert and desert?
Clue: Dessert has 2 S’s. So remember desserts are sweetly served.

Habitat Hop (Introduction)

Habitat Hop (Desert)

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