Wed. August 26: KB Nihipali

Aloha e KB Kindergartners!

GERMS! GERMS! GERMS! They are found everywhere. Today in class we read a wonderful book about germs by Bobbit Katz. We learned that germs make us sick. They spread to other people when we don’t cover our coughs, sneeze openly, don’t wash our hands after using the restroom, or picking our noses. However, germs can be stopped by a simple action….washing our hands with warm water and soap.

Class was most wonderfully pleasant due to how well each student was behaving. Students were attentive and patient during the story reading. They were involved with answering questions and quickly got started with their classwork. I was so impressed and delighted with their behavior, each student was given a small animal sticker as a reward. Maika`i!

Have a wonderful germ-free afternoon!

Cheers, Ms. Chang

Germs! Germs! Germs! by Bobbi Katz

Germs! Germs! Germs! by Bobbi Katz

Students practicing to write their new word, germ.

Students practicing to write their new word, germ.

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